REES46 pricing


Use this calculator to forecast revenue growth from REES46 tools usage.

Your monthly revenue:

Projected revenue growth:

The forecast is based on average efficiency results of REES46 customers.

Monthly visitors
Less than 25,000 /mo
Monthly visitors
From 25К to 50К /mo
Monthly visitors
More than 50К /mo
Product recommendations
∞ of machine learning algorithms.
Personalized search
With AI-based personalization, typo fixing, detailed reporting.
Programmatic pop-ups
With subscription, promo-codes, ∞ of combinations of rules, etc.
Trigger chains
Abandoned carts, behavior-based messaging, ∞ of combinations.
Email campaigns
With segmentation, AI-based personalization and retailed reporting.
Web push campaigns
Segmentation, visual editor, statistics of each campaign.
Mobile push campaigns
The fastest way to deliver messages to mobile app users.
SMS campaigns
Built-in message editor, reliable SMS gateways.
Transactional campaigns
Multichannel delivery by emails, web push, mobile push, SMS.
Cascade campaigns
Step-by-step campaign using all channels, from the cheapest to more expensive.
Detailed reports
About products and orders.
Product reviews
Reach your customers real reviews with rates, text, photo and video. Automatically.
Embedded scripts
Add scripts with no coding.
Dynamic segments
Create dynamic segments based on users behavior.
Promo codes
Send unique promo codes in emails, push-notifications and sms as well as on your website and in the app.
NPS 360°
Measure Net Promoter Score for finding out strengts and weaknesses in your business processes.
Omnichannel CRM matching offline and online data in real-time.
Customer Data Platform for data driven businesses.
Group your customers into RFM segments to personalize the communication.
ROPO reports
The data about customers who research online and ourchase offline.
Banners management
Create and edit banners, add it to your emails.
Storefront merchandising
Choose the specific products or brands and place it in the most viewed parts of the website.
Category listing personalization
Sorting products in the category in the way you choosed, sticking of the certain products on the top.
Omnichannel analytics
Analysis of online and offline data in the united reports.
URL shortener
Built-in solution allowing to use your domain name in the links.
Raw data access
High quality datasets for machine learning in real-time.
On-premise setup
Deploying R46 tools on your servers.
Retargeting for Facebook, Google Ads, Yandex β
Personal manager
Priority support
Price$149 /mo$299 /moIndividually
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