REES46 Customer Reviews
Gain loyalty

Customer reviews

Automate review and rating collection, publish reviews on your website, gain loyalty of new visitors and make search more visible.

Get genuine customers’ opinion

You are protected from fake comments and you have the possibility to pre-moderate new reviews before they are published on your website.


The customer places an order, pays for it and gets this order.

Feedback request

The service sends him an automatic letter to evaluate the goods.


Ratings and comments are available in your personal account.


If you want all visitors to see the review.

You're in a Good Company

REES46 is trusted by online retailers and brands around the world.



Monthly visitors:
less than 25K /mo
Product recommendations
Personalized search
Programmatic pop-ups
Trigger chains
Email campaigns
Web push campaigns
Mobile push campaigns
SMS campaigns
Transactional campaigns
Cascade campaigns
Detailed reports
Product reviews
Embedded scripts
Dynamic segments


Monthly visitors:
from 25К to 50К /mo
Product recommendations
Personalized search
Programmatic pop-ups
Trigger chains
Email campaigns
Web push campaigns
Mobile push campaigns
SMS campaigns
Transactional campaigns
Cascade campaigns
Detailed reports
Product reviews
Embedded scripts
Dynamic segments


Monthly visitors:
more than 50К /mo
Everything from plan L plus:
Promo codes
NPS 360°
ROPO reports
Banners management
Storefront merchandising
Category listing personalization
Omnichannel analytics
URL shortener
Raw data access
On-premise setup
Retargeting for Facebook, Google Ads, Yandex β
Personal manager
Priority support