Personalized Site Search for e-commerce
Multi-level personalization. Fine-tuned business logics. Better user experience. Detailed analytics. Simple integration.

REES46 Search understands your customer’s needs
Customers using the search already know what they are looking for. So REES46 Search helps to convert this hot traffic into a purchase.
Optimize Number of Clicks to Purchase
Search improves with every new symbol.
Search improves in accordance with every season and every visitor: everyone sees search results based on their needs.
Sales management
Influence the search results. Choose it to be more popular or margin.
No “nothing found” page
Search analyzes miswritten search queries and recommends similar products if they are not available in the store.
In a book store, you can search by publisher and in a shoe store, by shoe size.
Loyalty growth
Built-in filters help visitors find the product they need faster.
Learn new about your customers
Analyze search query statistics, notice changes in demand and react.

Estimate conversion
Find out queries with better conversion and calculate how much money they bring.

Monitor demand
Find out what visitors are looking for so you can start selling it.

Redirect traffic
Set up synonyms, prepare landing pages for specific queries.
Tune the Search the way you need it
Correct search settings from the control panel.
How it works
Choose the logic that suits you, test different options, activate the best one.
Themes and styles editor, CSS editor for advanced customization.
REES46 Search can be integrated with your on-site search - you don't have to delete anything. Our team will help you install and set up.
You're in a Good Company
REES46 is trusted by online retailers and brands around the world.
Monthly visitors:
less than 25K /mo
Monthly visitors:
from 25К to 50К /mo
299 € /mo
More infoXL
Monthly visitors:
more than 50К /mo